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Blondelle offers the famous "A Lame Acier ®" bellow type gauge. High quality class 1 precision gauges for refrigeration systems and manifolds.
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Dynamic Control from your mobile devices & PC
Metreco Cloud Connect performs different types of measurements
- Instantaneously : 1h - 1 day commissionning, or troubleshooting
- Medium and long term monitoring : 1 to 4 weeks (troubleshooting, retrofit, etc.) 1 to 12 months and more (COP, etc.)
Wireless sensors are positioned on the installation, they transmit the data to a gateway
which sends them to the Cloud. Up to 20 sensors can be used per gateway depending on
the size of the system to be analyzed.
The results can be viewed on computer, tablet, smartphone via an application. It is possible
to use several gateways on the same site and also to analyze several sites, geographically
separated, using several gateways .
Why choose CLOUD Connect?
- easy monitoring, visualization and reporting of all critical values
- measurements, logging, short term & long term monitoring
- analysis of 1 system or several units
- connect to the Metreco CLOUD Connect with the Smart-Gateway through 4G & Ethernet
- ad hoc measurement, measurement campaign, logging and monitoring
- commissionning
- troubleshooting
- optimization of energy efficiency
The analyzer makes it
possible to identify the source
of a failure very quickly and
to intervene on the system
without delay.
It controls the operation of
the system when starting up
or modifying an installation.
It measures the energy
efficiency of the installation
to achieve energy savings.
CLOUD application
- energy performance indicators: COP, SCOP, SEER, SPF, SEI & COP/SEI Layers
- alerts and warnings
- traceable reporting, pressure decay test and vacuum decay test
- data analysis and benchmarking
- multi-site trend comparisons
ADVANTAGES Metreco Cloud Connect
Contractor advantages : Time savings
- Simple system setup: wireless sensors are positioned on the selected points, they are recharged directly from the mains.
- Autonomy of the sensors, from 1 week to +6 months, depending on the frequency of data transmission.
- Remote consultation of measurements on computer, tablet, smartphone via the Metreco Cloud Connect application.
Customer advantages : Financial gains
- Monitoring: monitoring of the correct functioning of the installations (prevention of breakdowns, maintenance).
- Quick restart in the event of a breakdown (avoids / limits operating losses).
- Real-time COP monitoring (energy savings).
Assurance for the contractor and customer : Reliability gains
- Metreco COP was verified by POLE CRISTAL, an independent laboratory located in Dinan(France).
- The comparative tests were carried out in accordance with standard EN 14511.
Short or long term needs?
The sensors battery life depends on the send frequency, change the frequency
depending according to the needs of your next project:
- 1s / 15s / 30s / 1min
- 1s = 1 week
- 60s = ±6 months (depending on sensor type)
Discover the Configurator on
Metreco Catalogue
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Refrigeration Technologies
Refrigeration Technologies is a well established manufacturer of Food Safe and Environmentally Friendly chemical products for the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Industries, HVAC-R.
These products deliver performance without hazardous or odorous ingredients.
Our Commitment to Clean Chemistry:
Refrigeration Technologies uses only “Safe Surfactants” and fully supports the Safer Detergents Stewardship Initiative (SDSI).
We abide by the formulation guidelines of CleanGredients, a project of GreenBlue, an organization in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Design for the Environment (DfE) Program.
Our customers can be confident that we do not use ingredients that may have negative environmental or human health consequences.
In addition, all our products carry the NSF trademark signifying approval for use in food processing areas.
NSF is a not for profit organization known world wide for providing certification services in the areas of health and safety.
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Panimpex Leak Detection
Calibrated & traceable F-GAS leak
With more then 20 years of experience in hand leak detectors Panimpex has selected a calibrated reference leak and is co-branding those with HTP as Panimpex Leak Detection. The calibrated leak is F-GAS certified!
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